Essence of Scrum: Sprint Planning

This article discusses the essence of Sprint Planning . In a nutshell Sprint Planning is a time-boxed1 event in which the Scrum Team defines the Sprint Goal and makes a feasible plan for the goal, to the best knowledge, information and belief of the team. Output Essential: Sprint Goal A feasible plan for achieving the Sprint Goal Sprint Backlog Items with the property of INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small,

Blackbox Exporter 小記

在用 Prometheus + Grafana 監控自家服務的同時,我們也會想用同一套系統去監控第三方服務。

本文介紹一個好用的 Prometheus 官方工具:Blackbox exporter,可以省下手刻 curl 腳本的工夫。我也順便介紹一些踩過的雷。

Essence of Scrum: Daily Scrum

This article discusses the essence of Daily Scrum . In a nutshell Daily Scrum is a time-boxed daily event in which the Developers gather together to quickly inspect current performance and to identify necessary actions in order to increase the confidence in achieving the Sprint Goal . Output Essential: Updated confidence in the Sprint Goal supported by evidence. Updated plans, if necessary, for achieving the Sprint Goal . Input Essential:

Essence of Scrum: Product Backlog Refinement

Preface of the series

The series of “Essence of Scrum” articles tries to identify the essence of Scrum elements (e.g., events and artifacts) so that:

  • the core can be understood without much effort.

  • the feeling overwhelmed can be reduced.

  • the gradual adoption is more possible.

My selection and elaboration of “essence” is very subjective. Follow the advice at your own risk.

Go Best Practices

今年一月,換到一家以 Go 為主力語言的公司。

習慣了 Java 紀律,一碰到 Go 的自由奔放,不禁想尋求一些 best practices 與 patterns。

以前我曾蒐集過一份 Go Best Practices 清單。浸潤 Go 半年後,再回頭看這些內容,當初不甚明瞭之處,竟然也懂了許多。便想重新整理一次,並加上個人的短評。